-How it’s start ? -Full colors, strange forms, crowd… -Well organized ? -Not first, but slowly each elements find there way… Lire ou regarder la suite…
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #7.
- E75, Varibombi, Athens.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #6.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #5.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #4.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #3.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #2.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #1.
- Empty billboards, Athens.
- E92, Larissa > Volos.
- ERT3 Television, Thessaloniki.
- Perka, urban garden, Thessaloniki.
- Thessaloniki ring.
- 87,9 FM Signal Strike, pictures & video.
- Takmasas, pictures.
- 87,9 FM SIGNAL STRIKE, Self amplified cine live noise gig at Yfanet, 24 november, Thessaloniki.
- Takmasas, drawing and printing free workshop at Sxoleio, 20.21.22 november, Thessaloniki.
- Empty Billboards, Thessaloniki.
- On the road, Tirana, Albania.
- November 2012, Building our own tools.
- December 2012 > Billboarders, Graphéine Festival, Art Plateform of Muret, France.
- Billboards, Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece.