Crossing Albania, stop at Tirana and visit of the capital city. After 50 years of communist regime the transition to capitalism as been suddent for the albanian population and the country is still in economic and urban transformation. Towns are full of street sellers doing business with whatever could be sell or offer services like: [...]Lire ou regarder la suite…
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #7.
- E75, Varibombi, Athens.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #6.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #5.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #4.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #3.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #2.
- E94, Attiki Odos, Athens, #1.
- Empty billboards, Athens.
- E92, Larissa > Volos.
- ERT3 Television, Thessaloniki.
- Perka, urban garden, Thessaloniki.
- Thessaloniki ring.
- 87,9 FM Signal Strike, pictures & video.
- Takmasas, pictures.
- 87,9 FM SIGNAL STRIKE, Self amplified cine live noise gig at Yfanet, 24 november, Thessaloniki.
- Takmasas, drawing and printing free workshop at Sxoleio, 20.21.22 november, Thessaloniki.
- Empty Billboards, Thessaloniki.
- On the road, Tirana, Albania.
- November 2012, Building our own tools.
- December 2012 > Billboarders, Graphéine Festival, Art Plateform of Muret, France.
- Billboards, Athens and Thessaloniki, Greece.