Takmasas, drawing and printing free workshop at Sxoleio, 20.21.22 november, Thessaloniki.


TAK­MA­S­AS   DRAW­ING AND PRINT­ING FREE WORK­SHOP 20.21.22 no­vem­ber 2013 at SX­OLIEO, THES­SA­LO­NI­KI.     Sci­en­ce fic­tion au­thors are great to ima­gine cra­zy places, eco­sys­tems, land­scapes, ob­jects, tools, to fi­nal­ly de­scribe oth­er uni­verses we dont know yet. One oth­er point of view close to our eve­ry­day life is to con­si­der that some places al­rea­dy con­tain [...]Lire ou regarder la suite…
